Publicados JCL Hotel 2.23, JCL POS 2.12 y POS Mobile 1.1 / Published JCL Hotel 2.23, JCL POS 2.12 and POS Mobile 1.1.

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Is now available to download the "full version" JCL Hotel 2.7. In coming days we will publish new versions with the new things that we develop. Change List JCL Hotel 2.7 * Added: Optimized real time and multiple access to prevent data inconsistencies and duplication in the database - Fixed: The data access occurs in an unstable manner if you are working from more than one computer over the same database - Fixed: Minor bugs
Is now available to download the "full version" JCL Hotel 2.6.1 and "update" JCL Hotel 2.7 for users having the version from 2.3 to 2.6.4 (no need to download the full version), with new functionalities: Connecting via network, multiple licenses, concurrent access to data. In coming days we will publish new versions with the new things that we develop. Changelist JCL Hotel 2.6.4 * Added: The aplicatión detects any file with .dat extension when... + continue reading
It is available for download "complete" JCL Hotel 2.5 version and "update" version JCL Hotel 2.5 for those users possessing version 2.3, 2.4 beta 7 or 2.4 (do not have to download the complete version), with new features. In a few days we will publish new versions with new developed things. Changelist JCL Hotel 2.5 + Added: Backup Scheduler + Added: Documents Scanner * Added: Multiple services can be selected simultaneously to be moved from Pending... + continue reading
We have released the official version to download "complete" JCL Hotel 2.4 and official "update" version JCL Hotel 2.4 for those users possessing version 2.3 or 2.4 beta 7 (do not have to download the complete version), with more new features. In a few days we will publish new versions with new things. Changelist JCL Hotel 2.4 + Added Group Reservations Module + Added Group Stays Module + Added Database Backup Module * Added the ablitity of to... + continue reading
Is now available for download the update version JCL Hotel 2.4 Beta 7 with a wide range of new functionalities. JCL Hotel v2.3 must be installed in your system for the update to install and run properly, also available for download here on our website. In a few days we will publish the complete and official version JCL Hotel v2.4 Changelist JCL Hotel 2.4 Beta 7 + Added Curremcy Exchange Rate Module + Added Currency Denomination Module + Added Advance Payments Module +... + continue reading


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